Halodrol Powder Canada Domestic Shipping

Posted May 03, 2018 | Hits: 260 | Stock No: #1533


Country:   Canada
Region:   Barrie
City:   [email protected]
Ad Type:   Offering

Source: [email protected]
Wade's WhatsApp: +86 17722570182
Assay: 99% by HPLC
Appearance: White crystalline powder
Synonyms: Halodrol 50, H-drol, Gaspari halodrol-50, Halo-V, Halovar, H-drol, 4-Chloro, Halo-test and halostane

A typical cycle of halodrol starts at 50mg and then peaks at 75mg, this is where some of the best results have been reported. Some users with higher tolerance levels will run high dosage cycles at 125mg although much more sides will be experienced while running this high of a dosage.

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Your Name: Wade
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